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- SCGI President's Message, November 2015
- SCGI - Who we are
- What About Nuclear Power Isn't Good?
- The Perpetual Promise of Breeder Reactors
- Nuclear for Climate - #Nuclear4Climate
- Bill Gates Making Progress On Next Generation Of Nuclear Power -- In China
- Potential for Worldwide Displacement of Fossil-Fuel Electricity by Nuclear Energy in Three Decades Based on Extrapolation of Regional Deployment Data
- Paris COP21 Summary
- World-Renowned Climate Scientist Makes Dire Warning About Sea Level Rise, Storms
- How to Drought-proof California
- SCGI Goes to Africa
- Cuomo Accepts Nuclear Is Clean For Upstate New York
- Yucca Mountain vs. Recycling
- Solar Business Festival
- We Hold These Truths to be Self Evident
- Letter to Gov. Rick Perry
- The Conservative Case for Carbon Dividends
- The Global Nuclear Landscape Is Changing And America Better Get On Board
- After Trump's Withdrawal from Paris, Nukes Are More Crucial Than Ever
- Burden of Proof
- Good News!
- Is nuclear energy safe?
- Hurricane Harvey Makes The Case For Nuclear Power
- SCGI President's Message, November 2017
- Five Points for Nuclear Power Discussions
- Nuclear Power Under Attack Again - This Time From The Ballot Box
- Politically Incorrect - Energy Edition
- A Victory for Free Discourse in Science and Academia
- Global Energy Prize Summit - Turin, Italy
- Nuclear Power? Are Renewables Enough?
- NuScale's Small Modular Nuclear Reactor Passes Biggest Hurdle Yet
- Hurricane Florence No Problem For Nuclear Power Plants
- SCGI President's Message, November 2018
- Retaking the Global Lead in Nuclear Technology
- Used Nuclear Fuel with Dr. James Conca
- Nuclear Power Always Ready For Extreme Weather
- ThorCon Advanced Nuclear Reactor -- More Than Worth Its Weight In Salt
- MegaDroughts And Desalination -- Another Pressing Need For Nuclear Power
- Shutting Down All Of Japan’s Nuclear Plants After Fukushima Was A Bad Idea
- Bitter Cold Stops Coal, While Nuclear Power Excels
- Mark Z. Jacobson's 100% Renewables (100% WWS) Roadmap to Nowhere
- Michael Shellenberger testifies before Committee on Science, Space, and Technology on nuclear energy
- Washington State Intends To Be The Clean Energy State And Nuclear Is Key
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission Shows Dry Cask Storage Is Safe – Yet Again
- Do Small Amounts Of Radiation Matter?
- The Energy Transformation to Come
- Atomic Weapons Testing While Troops Looked On – Did It Increase Their Cancer Risks?
- Nuclear industry leaders discuss game-changing issues
- Letter to the National Academy from William Hannum, PhD
- ANEEL: Thorium-Based Reactor Fuel Could Support A New Wave Of Nuclear Power
- America Steps Forward To Expand Nuclear Power
- New Design Molten Salt Reactor Is Cheaper To Run, Consumes Nuclear Waste
- SCGI President's Letter - December 2020
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Economics of Varying Renewable Energy as a Means for Abating Global Warming
- The Activists Who Embrace Nuclear Power
- What are the safest and cleanest sources of energy?
- Nuclear Energy: Abundant, Clean, and Safe
- Smaller, safer, cheaper: One company aims to reinvent the nuclear reactor and save a warming planet
- This physician has studied the Fukushima disaster for a decade—and found a surprising health threat
- Manchin Urges Biden To Support Domestic Nuclear Fleet, Prevent Plant Closures
- Wyoming To Lead The Coal-To-Nuclear Transition
- Nuclear Reimagined
- 3 Advanced Reactor Systems to Watch by 2030
- Why I Changed My Mind
- An URGENT Chat with the Godfather of Climate Science
- Is Nuclear Power Part of the Climate Solution?
- The West’s Green Delusions Empowered Putin
- The War on Energy
- Idaho National Labs to build Pentagon’s mobile ‘nuclear microreactor’
- Nuclear power advocates challenge state Climate Action Council plan
- UN Report Trumpets Nuclear as Having the Lowest Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Any Electricity Generation Source, Among Other Environmental Co-Benefits
- First tests under way at new US liquid metal facility
- 5 Key Takeaways from the Nuclear Energy FY2023 Budget Request
- Soaring demand for electricity and coal shows why we need nuclear energy
- Reminiscences Of Reactor Development at Argonne National Laboratory
- Fareed's Take: How to fight climate change now
- DOE Selects Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Design for Versatile Test Reactor in Idaho
- Interview with Bill Gates on Nuclear Energy and Reaching Net Zero
- What role does nuclear power play in the U.S. effort to cut greenhouse gas emissions?
- Tom's New Book
- Efforts to Transform US Nuclear Industry Entering Full Bloom
- KAERI Visit of Dr. Yoon Chang
- How 1,500 Nuclear-Powered Water Desalination Plants Could Save The World From Desertification
- GE Hitachi and 3 partners announce first commercial contract for grid-scale SMR in North America
- The Real Obstacle to Nuclear Power
- The Great Green Energy Transition Is Impossible
- Nuclear Now: Time to look again
- Can Advanced Nuclear Repower Coal Country?
- The Climate Can't Wait
- The Atlantic Declaration: A Framework for a Twenty-First Century U.S.-UK Economic Partnership
- Nuclear industry ready to help end-users cut emissions
- Guest Op-Ed: Nuclear Gasoline
- Nuclear power is a critical component of our clean energy future
- A people's guide to our nuclear planet
- 7 Things The Simpsons Got Wrong About Nuclear
- COP28 agreement recognises nuclear's role
- New-wave reactor technology could kick-start a nuclear renaissance — and the US is banking on it
- The International Bank for Nuclear Infrastructure
- Why The Need For Nuclear Power Is Proliferating
- U.S. Department of Energy Issues Draft Environmental Impact Statement Advancing Biden-Harris Administration’s Goal to Boost Domestic HALEU Production
- Vogtle Unit 4 connects to electric grid for the first time
- IAEA chief pushes development banks to fund new nuclear energy projects, FT reports
- 5 reasons we must embrace nuclear energy in the fight against climate change
- Watering the West
- NRC Endorses New Guidance for Advanced Reactor Licensing
- Charles Till Obituary
- Earth is a Nuclear Planet
- Advanced Nuclear: The Foundation of Our Clean Energy Future
- Once Unthinkable Nuclear Plant Revival Is a Reality in US Shift
- AI for nuclear plants? ORNL supercomputer's new task is no sci-fi - it's a clean energy win
- ...the next nuclear breakthrough
- 5 Reasons Nuclear Is a Good Neighbor
- How a nuclear bill became this Congress’ first big energy win
- Bill Gates says nuclear power is the only way to fully decarbonize grids
- Federal push to add nuclear power begins
- Desperate for power, AI hosts turn to nuclear industry
- Why we need Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant
- 14 Major Global Banks and Financial Institutions Express Their Support for Effort to Triple Nuclear Energy by 2050
- Nuclear Resurgence
- Google Bets Big on Nuclear: Inks Deal with Kairos Power for 500-MW SMR Fleet to Power Data Centers
- Amazon signs agreements for innovative nuclear energy projects to address growing energy demands
- Spent fuel isn't nuclear waste
- A world of good
- This startup is getting closer to bringing next-generation nuclear to the grid
- 11 Big Wins for Nuclear Energy in 2024
- Trump’s NRC chair takes center stage for nuclear’s star turn
- The SMR Gamble: Betting on Nuclear to Fuel the Data Center Boom
- Canada Invests in the Next Generation of Canadian-Made, Clean, Affordable Nuclear Energy
- Podcasts
- Advisors
- Active Advisers
- Dr. Robert Hargraves
- Van Snyder
- Dr. James Hansen
- Letter to Obama
- 2nd, 3rd and 4th Generation Reactors
- Storms of My Grandchildren
- How warm will it get?
- Nuclear options: Nuclear power may be a ‘green’ solution worth using
- The People vs. Cap-and-Tax
- The Price of Change
- Menendez Questions Hansen
- The Government’s Duty to Protect the Public Interest
- Global Temperature in 2014 and 2015
- James Conca
- Dr. Jose Reyes
- Tom Blees, President
- President's Messages
- Disarmament
- Safe Drinking Water
- Does wind power reduce carbon emissions?
- Plasma Recycling
- An Inconvenient Solution
- Power to the People
- Why I advocate nuclear power
- Radiation - facts, fallacies and phobias
- Radio Interview - 4th Gen Nuclear
- GE-Hitachi Advanced Recycling Center (ARC)
- Critique of ‘A plan for a sustainable energy future by 2030′
- Nuclear Power - A Real Solution
- Copenhagen Reality Check - What's Really Coming?
- Unnatural Gas
- Germany's Experience with Solar Power
- SCGI Synergy at Work
- Light Water Reactor vs. Integral Fast Reactor Fuel Cycle
- Britain’s Energy Future
- A new "open science" based renewables website
- The Cost of Nuclear Power
- TOWNHALL Q&A: IFR Prophet, Tom Blees, Touts Fast Reactors, Energy Independence, and Unlimited Clean Energy
- Two TV Documentaries and a new film on the Integral Fast Reactor
- How carbon pricing changes the relative competitiveness of low-carbon baseload generating technologies
- Barry's Excellent New Podcast Series
- Nuclear Fallout
- Director's Colloquium
- Two scientist revolutionaries get their due
- Burning energy questions – ERoEI, desert solar, oil replacements, realistic renewables and tropical islands
- Burning Energy Questions (old)
- The new 'fast' plants could provide enough low-carbon electricity to power the UK for more than 500 years
- Prescription for the Planet
- Threshold
- Dr. Yoon Chang
- Dr. Barry Brook
- Does wind power reduce carbon emissions?
- An Inconvenient Solution
- Power to the People
- Why I advocate nuclear power
- Radiation - facts, fallacies and phobias
- GE-Hitachi Advanced Recycling Center (ARC)
- Critique of ‘A plan for a sustainable energy future by 2030′
- Nuclear Power - A Real Solution
- Copenhagen Reality Check - What's Really Coming?
- Light Water Reactor vs. Integral Fast Reactor Fuel Cycle
- Britain’s Energy Future
- A new "open science" based renewables website
- The Cost of Nuclear Power
- How carbon pricing changes the relative competitiveness of low-carbon baseload generating technologies
- Barry's Excellent New Podcast Series
- Director's Colloquium
- Burning energy questions – ERoEI, desert solar, oil replacements, realistic renewables and tropical islands
- Tunnel Vision at the Climate Council
- Potential for worldwide displacement of fossil-fuel electricity by nuclear energy in three decades based on extrapolation of regional deployment data
- The World Really Could Go Nuclear
- Dr. Louis J. Circeo
- Dr. Eugene Preston
- Baldev Raj
- Dr. William Hannum
- Dr. Jeff Eerkens
- Bruno Comby
- Dr. John Sackett
- Graham R. L. Cowan
- Dr. Tom Wigley
- Chuck Peterson
- Past Advisors
- Dr. Charles B. Archambeau
- Dr. Ray Hunter
- Leonard J. Koch
- David MacKay
- Dr. Dan Meneley
- Joe Shuster
- Dr. George S. Stanford
- Integral Fast Reactors: Source of Safe, Abundant, Non-Polluting Power
- Integral Fast Reactors: Source of Safe, Abundant, Non-Polluting Power (2)
- Smarter Use of Nuclear Waste
- Bombs, Reprocessing, and Reactor Grade Plutonium
- Reprocessing is the Answer
- Why Forge Ahead With IFRs?
- Is A Traveling Wave Reactor Better than an IFR?
- The IFR vs the LFTR: An Exchange of Emails
- George Stanford - In Memoriam
- Dr. Charles Till
- Dr. Evgeny Velikhov
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