Cogeneration is the simultaneous production of electricity and useful heat.
We find that cogeneration is more and more employed now-a-days, especially to heat buildings in the Scandinavian countries. Cogeneration in Finland, for example, burns natural gas or biomass; we may speak then of natural gas cogeneration or biomass cogeneration.
With the rising cost of energy we may expect cogeneration to be even more widely applied in the future. It is an obvious way to make better use of energy resources.
But cogeneration is not restricted to gas and biomass; it can be used for any source of heat. It is not often used in oil-fired systems; in the future it will probably be more and more applied in coal-fired systems; and certainly in nuclear power plants.
The use of natural gas and oil for household heating constitutes a major source of greenhouse gas emission and the consequent global warming. Therefore the application of nuclear cogeneration to household heating would lead to substantial reductions of CO2 emission.
The purpose of this document is to provide a better understanding of nuclear cogeneration. The concept is not very widely known although it is half a century old and has been tested and proven as we shall see below.