Dr. Baldev Raj is a member of the International Nuclear Energy Academy, the German National Academy of Sciences, Fellow, the Third World Academy of Sciences, and a Fellow of all Engineering and Science Academies in India. He is a Distinguished Scientist & Director of the Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research in Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu, India. His specializations include materials characterization, testing and evaluation using non-destructive evaluation methodologies, materials development and performance assessment and technology management.  He steers science and technology programs at the internationally renowned Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research with a mission to develop world class technology in Fast Breeder Reactors and Fuel Cycles.

Dr. Raj has over 700 publications in leading national and international journals, 42 books and special volumes of journals (co-author:12 books/monographs & co-editor of 30 books and special journal volumes). Delivered more than 200 honor, plenary, keynote and invited lectures. He holds 5 Indian Standards and 16 patents in the area of non-destructive testing, has written nine articles in the Encyclopedia of Materials Science and Technology and many international reviews and encyclopedia articles.

He is member of the Global Energy International Prize Committee, Russia's equivalent to a Nobel Prize in Energy. Dr. Raj is also on the Board of Advisors of the Al Gore Sustainable Technology Venture Competition, India, the Australia-India Science & Technology Research Award Assessment Panel, and the National Nanotechnology Advisory Board of South Africa. He is the Chairman of the India-Brazil-South Africa Initiative on Nano Science & Technology; Founder Member and Vice President, Council of Academia NDT International; Member, Scientific Advisory Committee to Prime Minister of India, Scientific Advisory Committee to Cabinet, Govt. of India and Nano Mission Council of the Department of Science & Technology; Member, Eminent Persons Group (EPG) to give direction and guidance to the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy. He is a member of the Standing Advisory Group on Nuclear Energy in the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, and Chairman of the Research Advisory Council of the National Thermal Power Corporation.  In addition, he is Chairman and/or a member in key functional and advisory committees in India on topics related to materials, energy, education and cultural heritage.

His interests include technology management, heritage, philosophy, religion and education.

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