The Center for Collective Intelligence at MIT has developed a competition whose goal is “to harness the collective intelligence of thousands of people from all around the world to address global climate change.”
Tom Blees, the president of the Science Council for Global Initiatives, has submitted a proposal for solving the climate change challenge by worldwide deployment of integral fast reactors (IFR). His proposal has made it into the final round of judging and is now being voted on by the public. If it either garners sufficient votes or is supported by the judges, Tom will be invited to present the proposal at an MIT conference in November. Previous winners have sometimes been given the opportunity to present their proposals to the UN and the US Congress.
If you’d like to read the proposal and support it with your vote, you can find it here. On the right side of that site you will see a link to vote, which requires a brief registration procedure:
- Make sure to put at least 8 characters in your password
- The bio and photo are entirely optional, you can disregard those fields.
With your support and vote, we can present the IFR to MIT and beyond.